78. Not Just Code Monkeys • Martin Fowler • GOTO 2014
Keynote for the Martin Fowler talk at GOTO 2014 conferences: Not Just Code Monkeys
Frustration with Agile
Some Aigle benefits:
- No need upfront software design (like Waterfall model)
- Aigle breaks project into multiple small stories, which can be one at the time
- Can quickly get feedback, visible process and steering (hướng đi, có thể change direction as we learn more)
- Stories are usually given by Business Analytics or other kind of role, and hand/pass to developer to code. The development team ends up being a passive recipient of stories
- Developer build what’s told to be build, and not involved in thinking about what it will build
Conversational stories
- Developers and analysis should collaborate together to decide what story should be built
- It’s true that business can prioritize stories but it should be collaboration
- A/B testing
Domain knowledge
- In order to collaborate on story creation process, developer should have domain knowledge on the field they’re working on
- But in reality, developer in general, shouldn’t put enough effort on trying to know the domain we work with (note: at least, it’s true for me)
- To be really effective as software developer, you need to understand the domain knowledge. only need knowledge, not expert
- A dark pattern (also known as a “deceptive design pattern”) is “a user interface that has been carefully crafted to trick users into doing things, such as buying overpriced insurance with their purchase or signing up for recurring bills”
- Not enncourage to use dark pattern
Impact Judgement
- Asking question: what impact is our software having on the world around us? And it affects what we choose and where we choose to work.